Friday, December 01, 2006

hiex~ hiex~ erm.. todae got nth to do and nth to sae abt.. so lets' sae abt ytr~~ lolx.. ytr, me went out wif june to buy something... she wanted to buy a box.. prenzzie for bri and lavanya.. she we went to IMM at abt 12.45? i think so.. then we walk here and there.. then we went to burger king and eat our lunch~ ex sia~ lolx.. then ms tee suddenly called my hp.. then i was shock sia... then she ask me if june wif me, i sae yes~~ hahas.. then she scold june for not picking up her phone.. hahas.. then ask for qiu ying's hp number.. and june gif ms tee lor~ then we wad there chatting and chatting.. then walk walk around.. and then we went bak to jurong point.. actually wanted to go and find vian and bri de.. then who noes they were at west mall.. lolx.. then me and june walk walk lo.. i bought a thing for my class potluck party le... wat thing leh? cannot sae... JUNE EUU CANNOT SAE HOR~~hahas.. same goes to joel~ lolx.. diaox leh~ why so secretive like that leh? lolx.. lame me~ hahas.. then nth more lor~ dunoe todae going out or not... but no money le~waaa... someone donate money to me~~ lolx.. jkjk.. hahas.. nth more... byex~


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